IPF Yo Me Vacuno
Supported by the Public Health Agency of Canada, we are carrying out a campaign to combat Covid vaccine misinformation and hesitancy.
More info
Supportive Counselling
Individual and group supportive counselling on grief and bereavement, domestic violence, reintegration planning and services for incarcerated youth.
Click Here
Tax Clinic
File tax returns for free for those in our community with low incomes.
Click Here
Community Service Partnerships
Improving the community by partnering with the City of Toronto through the Community Service Partnership Fund.
Click Here
Legal Information
Help with legal issues related to immigration, family, labour, housing, and more.
Click Here


HDC embarks in programs that are related to community needs and/or community interests. How do we develop these programs? One of the important tasks of HDC it is to perform Social Research to inform and understand needs and gaps in services, and addition to regularly discussing our community challenges. So, as a result, we have been able to identify groups at risk such us youth, children, single parents and seniors, plus relevant topics such as poverty.

HDC programs are connected to some of the most pressing issues affecting our community. Since the early nineties the Council has worked in the field of Youth at Risk and more recently a key priority is Child and Youth Protection.

Following, many other discussions and research papers have been done and today a very important program underway is the quest for Identity and Location for the Latino Hispanic Community within the Canadian context.

Current Programs:

    Supportive Counselling
    Seniors Strategy
    Alternative Planning Group
    Social Research





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